Today we are going to talk about ugly and painful ingrown hairs.
Write by Micaela Vz
Today we are going to talk about ugly and painful ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs, also known medically as pseudofolliculitis. It is a very common problem, these occur when a hair grows back into the skin without being able to completely come out to the surface since the last layer of skin covers it without allowing it to come out like other hairs. They usually cause a reddish lump and generally occur in areas where hair is removed regularly (armpits, groin, legs, back and also in men, beards). They can also be caused by dead cells that clog our skin and prevent hair follicles from growing normally.
Here are some tips that may help:
To prevent ingrown hairs, we advise you to use products according to your problem. The ideal is to do a deep cleansing in the area such as a facial (women: Vajacial or Men Speedo Facial) to prevent it you can use a loofah sponge that is organic, scrubs (but scrubs not every days) and hydrating your skin is very important to help your skin not be dry and allow the hair to come out completely.
Apply a warm compress
Apply a warm compress several times a day to help the hair grow out and bring a cyst closer to the surface so it can drain. You can also apply an antiseptic solution like tea tree oil or triple antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.
It is important not to touch ingrown hairs. Biting them can cause an infection that may require medication from a doctor to cure.